“Piškotki”/Cookies Privacy Policy

Kaj so piškotki?

Piškotki so majhne tekstovne datoteke, ki se zapišejo na vaš računalnik, ko obiščete spletno stran.

Piškotki služijo za zagotavljanje sledljivosti in ko se naslednjič vrnete na stran preko istega brskalnika lahko le ta preveri, ali je piškotek prisoten, in uporabi podatke iz piškotka ter jih pošlje nazaj strani.

Piškotki nam omogočajo, da prepoznamo ali nas je uporabnik že predhodno obiskal, in v nekaterih primerih temu lahko prilagodimo prikazano vsebino.

Upravljanje in brisanje piškotkov
Pravna podlaga:
Spremenjeni Zakon o elektronskih komunikacijah (Uradni list št. 109/2012), ki je začel veljati v začetku leta 2013, je prinesel nova pravila glede uporabe piškotkov in podobnih tehnologij za shranjevanje informacij ali dostop do informacij, shranjenih na računalniku ali mobilni napravi uporabnika.

Brisanje piškotkov se razlikuje glede na brskalnik, ki ga uporabljate. Za navodila, kako to storiti, vam predlagamo, da se poslužite pomoči v brskalniku kjer boste našli navodila za upravljanje piškotkov vašega brskalnika.
Zakaj se uporabljajo?
Piškotki služijo prilagajanju spletnih vsebin po uporabnikovih željah in optimizaciji uporabe spletne strani. Služijo tudi pri pripravi anonimnih statističnih podatkov, ki nam pomagajo razumeti uporabnikovo uporabo spletne strani in pripomorejo k izboljšavi vsebine spletne strani brez osebnega izpostavljanja uporabnika.

Shranjevanje piškotkov:
Piškotki so lahko shranjeni različno dolgo.

Začasni ali sejni piškotki na vaši napravi ostanejo do odjave iz spletnega brskalnika, nato se izbrišejo.

Trajni ali shranjeni piškotki na vaši napravi ostanejo tekom celotnega časovnega intervala, ki je določen v parametrih piškotka, ali dokler jih uporabnik lastnoročno ne izbriše.

Vrste piškotkov:
– Nujno potrebni piškotki
Ti piškotki omogočajo uporabo nujnih komponent za pravilno delovanje spletne strani.

– Izvedbeni piškotki
Ti piškotki zbirajo podatke o načinu uporabe spletne strani z namenom izboljšave delovanja spletne strani (npr. katere dele spletne strani uporabnik najpogosteje obišče). Ti piškotki ne zbirajo informacij, ki bi omogočile identifikacijo uporabnika.

– Funkcionalni piškotki
Ti piškotki omogočajo spletni strani, da si zapomni nekatere vaše izbrane možnosti (npr. vaše uporabniško ime, regijo) in uporabniku zagotavljajo naprednejše in bolj personalizirane funkcije. Ti piškotki lahko omogočajo sledenje vaši dejavnosti na spletni strani.

– Ciljni ali oglasni piškotki
Te piškotke najpogosteje uporabljajo tretje strani (oglaševalska in družabna omrežja) z namenom prikazovanja ciljnih oglasov, omejevanja števila prikazov oglasov in merjenja učinkovitosti oglasov.

Upravljanje piškotkov
Piškotke lahko nadzirate in upravljate v nastavitvah spletnega brskalnika, ki ga uporabljate. Uporabnik se sam odloči, ali dovoli shranjevanje piškotkov na svojem računalniku, piškotke pa lahko kadarkoli odstrani. Spletna stran deluje optimalno, če so piškotki omogočeni. Za navodila, kako upravljati piškotke, se obrnite na navodila vašega brskalnika.

Upravljalec piškotkov
Špela Kastelec, Bovecation.com s.p.
Srednji Lipovec 9,8361 Dvor

EN: What Are Cookies

As is common practice with almost all professional websites this site uses cookies, which are tiny files that are downloaded to your computer, to improve your experience. This page describes what information they gather, how we use it and why we sometimes need to store these cookies. We will also share how you can prevent these cookies from being stored however this may downgrade or ‘break’ certain elements of the sites functionality.

For more general information on cookies see the Wikipedia article on HTTP Cookies.

How We Use Cookies

We use cookies for a variety of reasons detailed below. Unfortunately in most cases there are no industry standard options for disabling cookies without completely disabling the functionality and features they add to this site. It is recommended that you leave on all cookies if you are not sure whether you need them or not in case they are used to provide a service that you use.

Disabling Cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser Help for how to do this). Be aware that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit. Disabling cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionality and features of the this site. Therefore it is recommended that you do not disable cookies.

The Cookies We Set

  • Email newsletters related cookiesThis site offers newsletter or email subscription services and cookies may be used to remember if you are already registered and whether to show certain notifications which might only be valid to subscribed/unsubscribed users.
  • Orders processing related cookiesThis site offers e-commerce or payment facilities and some cookies are essential to ensure that your order is remembered between pages so that we can process it properly.
  • Forms related cookiesWhen you submit data to through a form such as those found on contact pages or comment forms cookies may be set to remember your user details for future correspondence.

Third Party Cookies

In some special cases we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. The following section details which third party cookies you might encounter through this site.

  • This site uses Google Analytics which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytics solution on the web for helping us to understand how you use the site and ways that we can improve your experience. These cookies may track things such as how long you spend on the site and the pages that you visit so we can continue to produce engaging content.For more information on Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.
  • The Google AdSense service we use to serve advertising uses a DoubleClick cookie to serve more relevant ads across the web and limit the number of times that a given ad is shown to you.For more information on Google AdSense see the official Google AdSense privacy FAQ.
  • Several partners advertise on our behalf and affiliate tracking cookies simply allow us to see if our customers have come to the site through one of our partner sites so that we can credit them appropriately and where applicable allow our affiliate partners to provide any bonus that they may provide you for making a purchase.
  • We also use social media buttons and/or plugins on this site that allow you to connect with your social network in various ways. For these to work the following social media sites including; {List the social networks whose features you have integrated with your site?:12}, will set cookies through our site which may be used to enhance your profile on their site or contribute to the data they hold for various purposes outlined in their respective privacy policies.

More Information

Hopefully that has clarified things for you and as was previously mentioned if there is something that you aren’t sure whether you need or not it’s usually safer to leave cookies enabled in case it does interact with one of the features you use on our site. This Cookies Policy was created with the help of the Generator of GDPR Cookies Policy and the GDPR Privacy Policy.

However if you are still looking for more information then you can contact us through one of our preferred contact methods:

  • Email: spela@bovecation.com